Easter was really fun at our house with our two being a little bit older now. Aubrey knows that you find the eggs and there is something inside them. I had to tell her a few times to stop picking the eggs and getting the candy out and putting the eggs back. I must say she is very smart. Colby had lots of fun too. He kind of knew what was going on but Aubrey would help him when he needed it, especially when it came to getting the eggs in the basket. We had an Easter eggs hunt of our own, then one with our ward activity and one when we went to Easter dinner with some friends. We had a great surprise on the day before Easter with a package from Neals family with candy for the kids and little things for them to enjoy. We also got a package from m dd and they were Easter outfits and we were so excited and so were the kids and these are the clothes they wore to church on Easter. i am so grateful to family that are always there for my family.
After our own hunt we were surprised by the Easter bunny with a prize for finding all the eggs. Everyone got one and loved them.
Oh my word your kids are so big. Aubrey has so much hair finally. I think Colby looks a lot like Sam did last summer when you guys came to visit. What cute Easter outfits. They both look adorable. Isn't it nice when grandparents spoil your kids while your husband is a student? We miss you guys!