Thursday, April 19, 2012

The new addition to The Reiersen Household

Welcome to our new little boy to our home!! I know everyone likes to know how it all happened. so here it is. I started to have contractions on the 6th of April about 9:30pm while watching a movie with neal. It was Dolphin Tale. I like the movie but it was a lot different when every minute or two you are in pain. Anyways, I had a false alarm the week before so I wanted to be sure that these contractions were for real or it was something else so I had some fluids and ate something and they were still coming so at about 11:00 I realized that these were real and he was coming! We called my mom who was on her way from out of town and we went to the hospital. We got to the hospital and I was a 6 and 100 percent effaced. They got me ready and into the room. I went through contractions for about an hour and then I got am epidural and I felt a whole lot better. Then at about 1:20am the doctor came in and checked me and I was 10 and ready. The doctor said he was still a bit high so he gave me an hour for him to come down and by 2:20am he came back and we were ready to push. They broke my water and I pushed for about 2 minutes and he came out. He was perfect. He is a great baby and a wonderful little boy.