Monday, June 25, 2012

Good times in the Tub

 This is me trying to get a smile out of colby while waiting for sister to get done in the bath tub. There is one smile.

 Umm.. I think that is it and there we are not even looking at the camera. I guess I need to try a bit harder.

 Most of the time I don't like to take pictures of them when they are in the bath tub but isn't she so cute!!

Aubrey turned 2

 We are ready to party!! I even have my sunglasses on.

 We had a sprinkler that you see that looks like a palm tree and then there were sprinklers going too. Long story short, aubrey had a blast at her party!!

 She got a lot of dress up stuff from her cousins and she loved all of it.
 Here is her cake and with the candles lit. She wanted strawberry and I picked to put some rainbow chip frosting on top.
Aubrey had a lot of fun and is such a blessing in our lives. I don't know what we would be doing without her. I have learned so much from her and have changed for the better. I love you aubrey and glad that you came to our family!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

 These are all pictures of Colby's blessing. These are some of the cutest ones that were taken. I love his little tie. The suit that he is wearing is actually the outfit that his grandma got for him but he didn't wear but he sure got to wear it the next week. That was on May 13,2012.

 Here is our adorable but crazy daughter aubrey, she loves the water and here she is sporting her new swimsuit that her grandma bought her at the dollar store. Imagine that a dollar store would sell swim suits. She loves her new little floaties.

 Here we are it is Memorial Day and Neal had the day off so we decided to go hiking and swimming this day. The first pic is of everyone after we got home. Obviously we forgot to wear sunscreen but no one ever complained. We had so much fun together. Yes, while on the trail colby was thirsty and neal gave him some water out of the camelback but he got mad when he would drink because it would come too fast. He is so cute though.

I have not posted in a while since having my son.  I am sure that you can understand that I have been busy with two little ones now at home and just finishing work last week. Here are some pictures that have been since my last post in April.  I don't know what to say. Colby is growing so fast. This last picture is of my present for being able to stay home with the two little ones. It turned out that neal and I both working was not working to our advantage and I was not enjoying being away from the two kids. I love the opportunity to do housework now.