Thursday, August 29, 2013

Aubrey's first week of Preschool

It has been a while since we have been trying to get Aubrey into preschool. We have noticed that she has not been talking as much as she should be. We decided to get her evaluated with the school district and she was just evaluated on the 26th of august. She did well but there were things of course she could not do. We leave and set an appt. to see the results and find out if she qualifies for services under speech delay. Then that afternoon, I got a call from the school saying they have an opening and she can come to school the very next day if we come and fill out the paperwork to register. I jumped on it and now she is doing well and learning the things she needs to be learning. She loves it so much and always asks when she can go. These are of her first school outfit. She picked out everything including her hairstyle. I love this little girl.

Colby's first haircut

 These are of Colby before we got his first haircut. We cut his hair on August 3, 2013 and he cried the whole time it went on.

 What a sad little boy. Little guy, it is almost over.
Here is the handsome little man that we have now. I am so grateful for my little guy.